The HL Power Company plant is a 30 MW (net) independent power producing plant. Located in Wendel, California, it began operations in July, 1989, and has a SO4 contract with Pacific Gas & Electric Company. The facility has twenty-six employees with a 1.3 million dollar annual payroll. The HL Power Company facility was the largest property tax payer in Lassen County for ten years. The plant has a 315,000 pph ZURN traveling grate boiler. Fuel consists of mill waste, in-forest chips and urban wood waste.

HL Power Company
732-025 Wendel Road Wendel, CA 96136

Fax: (530)254-6130
Contact: Ralph Sanders
Email: [email protected]

Wood Waste Cogeneration Facility
Honey Lake Power Facility
Wendel, California

The Biomass Power Association is the nation’s leading organization working to increase the use of clean, renewable biomass power and create new jobs and opportunities in the biomass industry.