Wadham Energy Limited Partnership
The Wadham Energy Limited Partnership facility is a 26.5 MW (net) biomass-fueled power plant which began operation in 1989. The facility utilizes an agricultural residue fuel, rice hulls generated from the rice milling industry. Wadham provides a critical service to California’s rice milling industry, ensuring the beneficial use of rice hulls. Prior to Wadham’s operation, rice hull disposal was an increasingly troublesome problem for the rice mills with over 360,000 tons of hulls being produced each year.
Wadham utilizes up to about 200,000 tons of rice hulls per year, converting these rice by-products into a renewable fuel for its facility. This facility is the world’s largest rice hull-to-energy plant providing a valuable environmental role to California.
Wadham maintains a staff of 22 employees. All capacity and energy from the facility are sold to Pacific Gas & Electric Company.
Wadham Energy Limited Partnership
6247 Myers Road
Williams, CA 95987
Phone: 530-473-2831
Plant Manager: Tim St. Cyr